Why Middle Managers Fail Across Borders (And How to Fix It)

Leading a cross-cultural team is no easy task. Many middle managers are feeling overwhelmed managing teams across time zones, cultures, and languages. They struggle when leading in multinational environments. It’s not because they lack the intelligence or capability. Most haven’t been given the tools to lead effectively across borders.

In this article, we’ll dive into the Top 3 reasons why middle managers fail in global teams—and how you can fix it.

1. Miscommunication is Killing Your Team

One of the most common reasons teams fall apart is miscommunication. And I’m not just talking about language barriers. Cultural context changes the way everything you say is interpreted.

You might think you’re being clear, but half of your team is left confused. A straightforward email that reads “I need this by Friday” may be interpreted differently depending on cultural norms. For example, in Germany, where direct communication is highly valued, “Friday” means exactly that. But in Slovakia, it might be seen as more flexible—something like, “Friday, if everything goes well.”


The fix is simple: Over-communicate. Don’t just say “Friday.” Add the reason why it matters: “I need this report by Friday because it’s going to the board on Monday. No exceptions.” That extra context makes all the difference and closes the cultural gap.

2. Lack of Decision-Making Authority

Another reason middle managers fail is that they’re often stuck waiting for approvals from senior leadership. In global organizations, this delay can be a real momentum killer. You’re ready to act, but decisions are held up while you wait for approval from headquarters or higher-ups.


You can’t afford to sit around. Carve out your own space for decision-making. Push for clarity on what you can control, and where your authority begins and ends. Sometimes you may need to make the call and ask for forgiveness later. The teams that succeed are the ones that keep moving forward, even if senior leadership is slow to respond.

🎧 Listen on the Go: Prefer audio? Tune into this episode on Spotify to learn more about handling leadership challenges. Take these insights with you wherever you are!

3. The Challenge of Personal Presence

I see this all the time: leaders overpromise how often they’ll be physically present with their teams. “I’ll be there every month” turns into “I haven’t seen my team in three months.” Your team notices, and when you don’t show up, trust breaks down.


Stop overpromising and start delivering. Be realistic with your team. If you can only visit once a quarter, say so upfront. When you do visit, make it count. Underpromise, overdeliver, and you’ll build trust and credibility over time.

How to Fix Your Leadership Across Borders 

  1. Focus on Impactful Actions: Forget trying to adapt your style to fit every culture. Consistent feedback, regular one-on-ones, and clear decision-making matter across all cultures. Focus on these actions—they’re what drive results.
  2. Be Strategic with Cultural Learning: You don’t need to master every culture your team represents. Focus on the key cultural differences that affect workflow and communication. Invest in cross-cultural training to fine-tune these skills.
  3. Simplify Communication: Set minimal, clear communication standards that work across cultures. For example, a three-bullet-point update every Monday or a weekly 15-minute video check-in can align your team without overwhelming them with information.

Final Thoughts: Progress Over Perfection

If you’re waiting for everything to be perfect before making decisions, you’re already behind. Leadership across borders is messy, and perfection is a trap. What matters is progress. Make the decisions you can, adjust as you go, and keep moving forward.

🎥 Watch and listen: In this episode of my podcast on YouTube, I go even deeper into real-world examples and practical tips for overcoming leadership challenges in global teams. Want more insights beyond what’s in the article? Hit play and get the full story!

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